Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fire Truck/ Fire fighter Party

Jonny's 5th Birthday party is one I love to brag about!! The bad part was the day before I fell down my stairs and got a severe ankle sprain :0(  He always says he wants to be a firefighter when he grows up so what better party than a fire truck/ fire fighter party!  I made them, like all my others, by using graphics from google images and cute little message of "sound the alarm Jonny's turning 5". For decorations I found these firefighters hat cutouts at the dollar store and used poster boards to make different kinds of signs. I bought fire dept badges too. Can't remember where from though....
For snacks I go 3 buckets and shovels. I bucket read "Firehose" and was filled with licorice. One read "balls of fire" and had cheeto balls in it. and the other said "Firefighters" We put teddy bear cookies in there.
I made this Fire truck cake minutes before I fell down the stairs.  I was planning on waiting until the kids went to bed to decorate it but all of a sudden I felt like I needed to just get it done so I did and after I got done with it and cleaned the kitchen I fell and could barely walk the rest of the night so I'm so so so so happy I got it done!!!!!! it turned out great and was pretty simple. you can watch a video on you tube that shows you how to do it.

I had a couple games planned 1 was this pin the hat on the Fire dog game that I got at party city. Then I had planned a firefighter obstacle course. They were going to climb up the ladder, slide down the slide and use a water gun to spray down empty waterbottles with paper flames on them out of the windows of our playhouse. then go in the house and rescue the Stuffed dog inside. But since I was hurt we skipped it. but the biggest suprise was yet to come.........

We didn't want to tell anyone that the Fire truck was comming just in case they didn't show up for whatever reason. but a couple weeks before the party I called the Fire dept and asked if they came out for birthday parties and she said yes they would for FREE. The kids thought the party was comming to the end when they heard the sirens comming and getting closer and pulled up in the yard
Jonny's face was priceless!!

He gave everybody a hat and a bag full of activities.

Then he showed us all around the truck and showed the kids some cool things he had inside

It was a AWESOME party! Lots of fun and Wonderful memories and that is what a birthday party is all about!!

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